
Sunday, December 15, 2019

Heartfelt Wishes

Good day!!  I'm back to share my latest Polkadoodles Christmas card with you.  I'm using .... sigh.... yes another image from Winnie Winter Wishes.  Are you tired of them yet?  LOL!!  I just think they're so adorable but I've said that before.  hee hee

I've used 3 different paper pads:

I used Posydoodle Rectangles but if it doesn't quite look like a rectangle, you have a good eye and you're right, I did have to manipulate the die somewhat but I'm going to share that with you in a future tutorial.  This might save you some money!!  

I colored "Heartfelt Wishes" using my Zig markers - eeeee - I'm just learning so don't be too harsh on me.  LOL!!   And I added some Snowtex under their feet and used Ranger's Enamel Accents to add snow all over my image.   That about made me throw up when I first started.  ha ha ha I've never done it before so it was a bit of an eeeek moment!!  

HOW FUN IS THIS "HAPPY FESTIVE SNOWMAN"?!!!   So cute!!!  I added some Snow-Tex to him as well just to give him some texture and then added a little stack of snowballs beside him.  Who knows, maybe that's his little kids.  LROL!!!  Ahhh I couldn't resist!!  

Well there you have it for today!!  Thanks for taking a peek and enjoy your day!