
Saturday, May 15, 2010

FINALLY! My mojo's back!!

Today I have a card that includes 3 challenges.  I don't like to do too many cuz then I can't keep track of them when I put them on my blog.  LOL!!  I started by using a Stampotique stamp called (if you can believe this) "Relaxin". 

So starting with the first and newest challenge:

The Burtonesque Dolls - if you haven't seen this blog yet, please go visit.  It's really outside the box and I love it!  This week's challenge was to take any stamp and turn the card into a girl who could qualify to be in a Timothy Burton movie. 

Cute Card Thursday - asked for us to make the card for Someone Special.  Oh easy!!  My sister!!  She loved this odd stamp as much as I did and we bought 3 different ones together. 

Friday Sketchers for this sketch:
So here's my reveal!!  LOL!!  I also used chalks to grunge up the nice white
 lace and I  put gloss on her umbrella, hearts on her hat, her tie and her purse.
Hope you like it! 

Stamps:  Stampotique "Relaxin"
Paper: Basic Grey Wisteria (LOVE THIS COLLECTION!)
Embellishments: Wild Orchid Flowers, lace from UK Hobby House, gems, Liquid Applique and chalk
Punches: Martha Stewart Heart punch
Ink: Colored With Copics and Momento Ink


  1. So Glad to hear about your mojo! ;o) This is awesome! As usual! And she would SO fit perfectly in a Tim Burton movie! Fabulous! Im putting the finishing touches on my entry to this challenge. ;o)

    Glad to see you're back!!

  2. glad you've made contact, earthling! I know the feeling about the return of the mojo; I LUV these images

  3. So glad your mojo is back and I love the colors you used on her but I just have to say she is rather spooky! But in a good way :)

  4. This image is so funky and cool. Love your pretty lace trim and flowers :o)

  5. Hi Eulanda, I love the actual card, but HATE that image, not my thing AT ALL, but hey, we're all different, right?

    Hugs Judi xxx

  6. LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!! You did an awesome job and that image is sooooo freakin great! Thanks for playing along with the Dolls:)

  7. So glad the you and your Mojo are back Eulanda!!
    This card is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!! Must get me hands on this image.

  8. Welcome back... I've missed your mojo (and you!) lately! I played in the sketch challenge too this week! You did a great job making this burtonesque and still very feminine :)

  9. Love this card! Glad that your Mojo is back!! Good to hear! I always love looking at your blog for inspiration!! I love that stamp you colored it great and I love that paper you chose for your card!! :)

  10. O-M-Macabre, Eulanda! This is FABulously FREAKY!!!!! I love it utterly! The coloring on this is beyond amazing (did you make your own watery pattern paper?!?) and I love the flowers. You used such sweet elements, but it the finished effect is totally goth & funky. Brilliant!

  11. WOWIE what a Beauty! Love the colors, the image... the whole thing ROCKS it Burtonesque style!

    Thank you for joining us this week at The Burtonesque Dolls!


  12. OH WOW.. words can't express how much I love this card. thanks for joining the dolls in this weeks challenge. hugs xo jackie

  13. OH WOW - as always your work is AMAZING!!! Love to see you being a little quirky too!
    Thanx soo much for joining us at Burtonesque Dolls - and for the lovely words too!

  14. What a beautiful card! Love the colours!

    Thanks for joining the Friday Sketchers and good luck!

    Hugs Tanja

  15. a gorgeous card. thanks for joining us at CCT this week.
    hugs, annie x

  16. Woooww! I love that image and your card is great! :)


Because I know how much time it takes to comment, I want to express my appreciation and thank you for visiting my blog. It means so much to me! Hugs!