Sunday, August 17, 2008

Riley - Pumpkin Patch

Riley strikes again!! I just love my new scalloped squares and circles I bought. Talk about taking the BLAH out of squares. Don't get me wrong - I freakin' love squares cuz they are so precise but these add something really different and just.....something more.


Anonymous said...

I FREAKIN LOVE IT! It has wow factor!

Laurel said...

Very cute!!! I had to laugh because I love squares and rectangles because of the straight, clean lines so I know what you mean by they are so precise! But I do love the scallops you used here.

Anonymous said...

See now, how cute is that! Not into much of anything to do with this particular card (colors cutsey images) but you pulled it off with "awesomeness" hee hee! I agree with your sister Wow factor!