Friday, July 31, 2009


Ok so a few weeks ago I told you that I had made a very special card for my sister and that a lot of love went into that one. Well, here's another one that I made for my mom's birthday!! Love seeped and poured all over the place so I had to glue it in some spots!! LROL! Ok, it's hot and I'm thinking the heat may be getting to me a smidge. BUT I'M NOT COMPLAINING!
Wow this putting stuff on the inside of cards is crazy!! That's a big job so I applaud all you ladies who do it on a regular basis! It looks amazing!
I entered it for the Magnolia Homepage Yahoo Group monthly challenge so I am crossing my fingers and hoping that I win. I'd be so honored but there are so many good cards in the challenge that if I don't win, I'll just keep going back! HA HA YOU CAN'T STOP ME NOW! WOOOOO!


Anonymous said...

Wow I love the design! So nicely decorated. The inside of the card is the cutest! What a sweet Tilda inside!

cabio's craft corner said...

What a sweet card for your mom's birthday. Please say "Happy Birthday" to your mom for me too!

Danni said...

Oh my! This is amazing!!! Wonderful, wonderful job!

Laurel said...

Oh my goodness, this is absolutely amazing!!! You have really outdone yourself, your creations just keep getting better and better!

Sheri said...

This one just knocks my socks off. How many hours did it take to do? Tell your mom Happy Birthday for me please.

d edgson said...

Yesssssssss. I am the lucky recipient of this beautiful card from my beautiful daughter, Eulanda!!! She took me out for lunch and gave me some Glimmer Mists! Someone got together with a few someone else's and in all I got several colors of this pretty stuff. It's great cause I have a great big jar of uncolored flowers!
And thank you to the Cabio and Sheri for the happy birthday wishes. It was a nice day in all.
I am officially a senior, well at least at Denny's anyways!!!! LOL How crazy is that!
The Mom!!!!

Norma said...

Eulanda, woo hoo, congrats on your card being chosen for the August Magnolia-Licious Yahoo home page. This was my personal choice too, so I'm not surprised at all. Loved everything about it--I love unusual cards. The shape was the first thing, then the DP's, the colour scheme and your awesome colouring. Oh, just all the deats too. You go girl!


How bad is the heatwave where you are? I'm drowning myself drinking litres of ice cold water. LOL.

Susan said...

thiers is stunning!!I've never seen a card with so much detail [even a hallmark!!]it's a winner in allot of eyes, according to the messages!
thanks for sharing.....
sue xxx

Alysabeth said...

I love this card, your hard work shows through! The balloons are fabulous.

Anonymous said...


Eulanda said...
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